Volunteer Utilization Procedure:
Step 5: This step does not really impact the volunteer, but it is essential that the district level supervisor provide a copy of approved Volunteer Release of Liability and Volunteer Project Planning forms to the superintendent or designee.
Volunteerism.... "the practice of people working on behalf of others or a particular cause without payment for their time and services. "
The Triad Local School District recognizes the importance of community support. The Triad Local School District is at the center of our community and it is wonderful that so many members of the community want to volunteer to support our district’s mission. The procedure described in this section is meant to clarify a simple set of steps that can be followed when an individual or group of individuals want to support the district through a volunteer effort.
Two Tiers of Volunteerism Explained:
Tier I volunteerism involves direct interaction with students. Examples may include academic tutoring or volunteer coaching.
Step 1: Make your desire to help known to the district employee where you would like to volunteer your service. For classroom tutoring, this person would be a teacher or teachers. For coaching, this person would be the varsity head coach of the sport where you would be interested in helping.
Step 2: If the district employee you approach has need for the type of volunteerism you are able to offer the teacher or coach will need to inform the building principal or the athletic director of your desire to volunteer.
Step 3: The building principal or athletic director will provide you with guidance on how to go about getting all required certifications in place. For classroom tutoring this typically involves the completion of a background check. For coaching, this typically involves all requirements for a paid coach based upon the current ODE and OHSAA guidance.
Step 4: The building principal or athletic director will notify you once all required documentation has been received. In some cases, typically with coaching, Board action to approve the volunteer status will also be required.
Tier 2 volunteerism involves any support to the district that does not involve direct interaction with students. Examples of this may include the completion of special projects to support some aspect of the academic, athletic, or co-curricular program. The volunteerism can be provided by individuals or by support organizations such as the Band Boosters, Athletic Boosters, PTA, or the Quarterback Club.
Step 1: Complete Volunteer Project Planning form and return it to the district level supervisor responsible for the area where you desire to help. Examples follow:
· Work to clean up land lab at Triad Elementary … Return form to the building principal
· Work to put grass treatment on baseball/softball fields … Return form to the athletic director
· Work to empty trash after football games … Return form to the maintenance supervisor
· Work to repair siding on the Spirit Shack and put on a fresh coat of paint on the building … Return form to the maintenance supervisor
Step 2: Complete Volunteer Release of Liability form and return it to the same district level supervisor responsible for the area where you desire to help.
Step 3: District level supervisor receiving the forms will approve, disapprove, or ask for clarification within a week of receiving the form. If the forms are approved, you will receive back a copy of both forms.
· The Volunteer Release of Liability form will be good for 1 calendar year from the date it is approved.
· The Volunteer Project Planning form will have specific time and date parameters indicating when the volunteer work is authorized to be done. It is critical to adhere to these parameters to avoid conflicts with district events that may be otherwise scheduled.
Step 4: Once you receive back the approved Volunteer Release of Liability and Volunteer Project Planning forms, you are authorized to begin your volunteer work. In some cases where county permits are required, this approval process may be delayed beyond one week, however there will be communication back from the district within one week.
Volunteerism.... "the practice of people working on behalf of others or a particular cause without payment for their time and services. "