Dear Parents,
Welcome to the ProgressBook Parent Access. The Parent Access allows YOU to create your own user name and password. If you had an account setup last year it will still work this year. The process to create an account for new students to the district requires the use of a Registration Key which you can request from the office. Please reference this information when creating a Parent Account.
Your first step is the new Parent Access homepage :
Click on your district link/logo
- Then click on “Create an Account”
- Select “Parent Account” on the next screen and click Start.
- Step 1 – Enter your Parent Information (parent First Name, parent Middle Name (optional), parent Last Name, parent Email Address, and re-enter parent Email Address).
- Step 2 – Enter Parent Account Information
- User Name – parent creates – use ONLY letters and numbers and 6 to 50 characters
- Password – must contain 1 letter, 1 number, 8 to 50 characters, case sensitive and cannot match the user name
- Re-enter Password – must match password
- Step 3 – Student Information
- Registration Key – enter Parent Registration Key that was provided to you in this letter. Not case sensitive.
- Enter first student’s First Name, Last Name and Birthdate (the first and last names must match EXACTLY what is listed on this letter).
- If you have more than one child attending the school district, click on “Enter another registration key”, and perform this step again. When you are finished registering all of your students, click on “Register”.
- You should receive a message “Account creation was successful.”
If your Parent Account is registered successfully, you will be brought back to the Login screen so that you can sign in with your new parent account User Name and Password.
- On the Login screen in the User Name field, enter your user name.
- Note: If you cannot remember your user name, click “Can’t access your account?”
- On the ProgressBook screen, select the “I forgot my username” option.
- In the Please enter email field, enter your registered email account.
- Click Continue
- Go to your email account, and view your user name.
- On the Login screen in the Password field, enter your password.
- Note: if you cannot remember your password, click “Can’t access your account?”
- On the ProgressBook screen, select the “I forgot my password” option
- In the Please enter username field, enter your user name.
- Click Continue
- Go to your email account, and click the link to reset your password. The reset password link is only available for 10 minutes. Enter your New Password and then Re-enter your New Password.
From here, you will be able to:
- Attach multiple children to a single login
- Navigate around your child’s information
- Create accounts for your student/s (if the student or school has not already done so).
- Set up Parent Alerts for your students
We encourage all parents/guardians to take a few minutes to get acquainted with the Parent Access software. Parent Access is an important means to support your child’s academic success!
Thank you,