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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus Process for 2018-2019 Begins Today

Public high school students must declare intent to participate by April 1

Students intending to participate in the fourth year of College Credit Plus, the successful program that provides Ohio students with the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school, can begin the notification process for the 2018-2019 school year today (Feb. 15). College Credit Plus debuted at the start of the 2015-2016 school year and has since had more than 65,000 students participating and getting a jump start on college, saving more than $262 million in college tuition costs.

College Credit Plus provides students with the opportunity to take college classes offered by any Ohio public college or university, or from any participating private postsecondary institution, at their high school, on the college or university campus, or online. The program allows students to explore college interests sooner and to earn college credits toward a degree before graduating from high school. It is free to families when students take courses offered by Ohio public colleges and universities.

Beginning Feb. 15, public high school students may notify their principal of their interest to participate, and must declare their intent to participate by April 1. This includes students who participated in any or all of the first three years of College Credit Plus. The application window for nonpublic and homeschool students also opens today and closes at 5 p.m. EST on April 13; those students may send their letter of intent to participate to the Ohio Department of Education, 25 S. Front St., Columbus, OH 43215, or email it to

In an effort to give more students and families the opportunity to save on the cost of college, College Credit Plus now includes a summer term. Credits earned by taking courses through College Credit Plus during a summer term will be applied to students’ high school and college transcripts during the fall. Students and parents should check the summer term registration deadline for the college or university from which the student intends to take courses.

For additional information on College Credit Plus, visit


College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus for Students & Families 

CCP_why-wait-for-your-future_website-graphic.jpgOhio’s College Credit Plus can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. Taking a college course from a public college or university College Credit Plus is free. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have limited costs. 

Your high school may have an agreement with a local college for specific courses, however, you can choose to take College Credit Plus courses from any college that offers a course that would benefit your future. This could include online courses.

To learn more about College Credit Plus, please visit the College Credit Plus webpage at Ohio Higher Education.

Informational Links to Colleges & Universities with CCP Agreements with Triad Local Schools

Clark State Community College:

Urbana University

Columbus State Community College

Wittenberg University


Tuition Reimbursement for Failed classes

Students that earn and F or withdraw from a class after the withdraw deadline with be required to reimburse the school district the per credit hour cost.



Textbooks through College Credit Plus are considered property of Triad Local Schools (with the exception of Urbana University Students).  Once you receive your textbooks you are to bring them to the school so that they may be inventoried, labeled, and “checked out” to the student. These books will be expected to be returned upon completion of the course.   



The ACT Test for Students

The ACT® is the leading US college admissions test, measuring what you learn in high school to determine your academic readiness for college.


Triad Guidance Page Link:


  • College Credit Plus Addition Information
  • Wittenberg University Info
  • Columbus State Community College Info
    • Pathways
      Whether you want to work in a specific industry or earn a bachelor’s degree, you can start on a path to a successful future by taking your first college classes in high school. The paths listed are samples, and not all courses are available at all schools
  • Clark State Community College Info
    • Pathways
      These represent sample pathways towards the Associate of Arts at Clark State Community College. The courses selected are also guaranteed to transfer to any public Ohio college. Note: There are many other general education courses that could be taken.