Director of Operations (Maint., Transportation, Cafeteria, Custodial)
2024-2025 School Year:
Please provide any updates to your student's transportation information by emailing or calling 937-826-1102. Changes in addresses affect other students on the bus route. We want to get you the most accurate information at the Open House on 8/15 so we will need you updated information prior to that day. Some of the common changes that need updated are below:
- New student
- Change of address
- Student change of daycare or no longer needs daycare
- Student no longer riding with their older sibling
Attention Ohio Hi-Point Bus Riders:
If your Ohio Hi-Point student chooses to ride the bus, they will be transported to Triad High School by their normal morning bus. When they arrive at Triad High School, they will transfer to Bus 8. Bus 8 will leave the High School parking lot at about 7:17 and will arrive at OHP at a little after 8am.
For the trip home, the OHP students will board bus 8 after their school day ends. The driver will transport each OHP student to their home address across the Triad District. Their arrival home may vary depending on how many students are riding the bus and the route that the driver takes to transport them home.
On days that Triad delays due to inclement weather, the OHP bus will also be delayed. If Triad closes due to inclement weather, the OHP bus will not run. On days that Triad is scheduled closed and OHP is open, OHP students will need to arrive at Triad HS by 7:15. The OHP bus will leave shortly after and arrive at OHP at their scheduled start time.
Safety is our #1 Goal
The mission of the Triad Transportation Department is to safely and efficiently transport students while enhancing the educational process of all students. To accomplish that mission, Triad buses safely transport students to eight school districts and travel over 30,000 miles annually.
Riding a school bus is the safest way for your child to travel to and from school. Please spend time with your child discussing school bus safety.
What Children Should Be Taught about School Bus Safety
- Wait until the driver says it is safe to board, then get on one at a time.
- When you are getting off the school bus, walk 10 giant steps in front of the bus. Watch the bus driver. When the bus driver signals that it is safe to cross in front of the bus, pause at the edge of the bus and look left-right-left again for traffic. If there is no traffic, continue crossing the street.
- Ask the bus driver for help if you drop something while getting on or off the school bus.
- Keep your loose items inside of your book bag.
- Once on the school bus, go directly to your seat and sit down facing forward. Remain in your seat, facing forward, until it is time to get off the bus.
- Most importantly, remember the bus driver is in charge. They will give directions and all students must obey and follow the directions.
School Bus Rules
Ohio law specifies certain rules for passengers aboard school buses and school vans. These rules are in place to ensure safe operation for both the driver as well as the passengers. All passengers are required to follow these rules as well as applicable sections of Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Administrative Code and Board of Education Policy.
For the protection of our drivers and passengers, all activity on school buses owned by the Triad Local Schools is recorded by video and by audio.
The following rules are posted inside of each school bus in our district. To ensure the safe operations of our buses, and the safety of our drivers and passengers, it is required that all passengers adhere to these rules.
FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: The bus driver is in charge of the bus. The bus driver will give directions. You are responsible to listen and follow all directions the first time they are given.
SIT PROPERLY: You must remain seated in the same seat for the entire ride, keeping your body out of the aisle, and inside of the bus at all times. Keep your things on your lap.
BE RESPECTFUL: Be respectful of all people and property through your words and actions.
KEEP IT CLEAN: Leave the bus cleaner than you found it. Do not eat or drink on the bus. Do not litter. If you notice vandalism, please let the bus driver know.
BE QUIET: You must be silent at railroad crossings and any time the bus driver asks for silence. At all other times, speak quietly to those sitting next to you.
Please read the below rules to maintain accurate bus pickup and drop off locations for your child. These rules help us comply with Ohio Transportation Laws.
- All students will be assigned to a regular bus stop closest to their home address.
- Students may be required to walk up to 1/2 mile to a bus stop in towns and cul-de-sacs.
- For children in PK, K, or grade 1, a parent/guardian/childcare provider must be present to receive the child at the bus drop off location.
- Only one pick up address and one drop off address is allowed. Court ordered shared parenting and childcare will be the only exceptions.
- If you need to make a permanent change to a bus stop location, please submit a written note to the school or follow the below link to submit a form to change your address.
- All bus stop additions and changes need at least 48 hours to process.
- Emergency requests for bus stop changes will only be approved in a family emergency situation. Changes will only be approved if this form is received by noon and the alternative bus stop is already on the route.
- It is the responsibility of the parent, not the school, to solve temporary scheduling problems by arranging rides or supervision with relatives or neighbors.
Use the link at the right "Route Stop Details" to check the times for your bus stop. Stop times will adjust by a few minutes as new students are added prior to the start of the school year. If you have changed your address on Final Forms, please call the transportation office at 937-826-1102 to notify of the change.
To provide the safest environment for the students, the following rules apply while waiting for and riding the bus:
A) The school bus driver's authority and/or responsibility to maintain control of the pupils.
(B) The pupil's right to "due process" as provided for by the policies and procedures of the educating agency .
(C) Pupil management and safety instruction policies shall include the following:
(1) Pupils shall arrive at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
(2) Pupils must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stops.
(3) Behavior at the school bus stop must not threaten life, limb or property of any individual.
(4) Pupils must go directly to an available or assigned seat so the bus may safely resume motion.
(5) Pupils must remain seated keeping aisles and exits clear.
(6) Pupils must observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
(7) Pupils must not use profane language.
(8) Pupils must refrain from eating and drinking on the bus except as required for medical reasons.
(9) Pupils must not use tobacco on the bus.
(10) Pupils must not have alcohol or drugs in their possession on the bus except for prescription medication required for a student.
(11) Pupils must not throw or pass objects on, from or into the bus.
(12) Pupils may carry on the bus only objects that can be held in their laps (see paragraph (J) of rule 3301-83-20 of the Administrative Code).
(13) Pupils must leave or board the bus at locations to which they have been assigned unless they have parental and administrative authorization to do otherwise.
(14) Pupils must not put head or arms out of the bus windows.
(15) Guidelines will be formulated for the use and storage of equipment and other means of assistance required by preschool and special needs children.
(16) Drivers and bus aides must have access to appropriate information about the child to the degree that such information might affect safe transportation and medical well-being. This information must be readily accessible in the transportation office. All such information is strictly confidential.
Neil Laughbaum
Director of Operations
(937) 826-1102
2024-2025 Routes are now updated as of 8/15/23 at 4:00pm (These times are estimates and will adjust based on traffic patterns and student additions/subtractions)
- Route Stop Details
- Bus 2 Urbana/Cable Urbana Woodstock/Ludlow/Swisher
- Bus 4 HS/MS & ES North Lewisburg
North Lewisburg in-town stops
- Bus 5 Cable/Woodstock
Parkview, Perry and Yocom
- Bus 6 North Lewisburg/West Liberty
Weaver Way, Meadows, North Lewisburg, Townsend, Maple, 245 to Mingo, Stevenson Rd, and Mt. Tabor Rd
- Bus 9 North Lewisburg/Logan County
Kauffman, Burton, Gilbert, North Lewisburg, 559, 44, T160, Johnson Rd., and Mingo Lewisburg
Bus 12 Meadows/North LewisburgHS/MS only
- Bus 11 Woodstock
- Bus 30 Cable
Brush Lake, Flatfoot, Dog Leg, and stops between 296 and Urbana Woodstock
- Bus 31 North Lewisburg/Marysville
Daycares, James Watkins Rd, W. Darby, and Middleburg-Plain City
- Documents
- Transportation Request for Private School
Students enrolled in chartered nonpublic or community schools may be entitled to student transportation services from their public school districts of residence. Use the link to complete the application for transportation services. Triad Local Schools will consider your request based on practicality of services.
- Become a Bus Driver
Open this form to see the process of earning your Bus Driver's License and driving for Triad Local Schools.
- Transportation Request for Private School
- Letters and Forms
- Transportation Change Form
Use this form to submit to the Transportation Department any added students or permanent changes that need to be made with your student's transportation needs.
- Bus Discipline Procedures
Updated 2012-2013 SY
- Bus riding made easy
- BOE Policies
- Transportation Change Form
- Great Links for Transportation Questions
We've all been stopped by a school bus at sometime. How well do you know the rules in Ohio when a bus makes a stop in front of you?
Ohio State Highway Patrol Licensing and Commercial Standards
Information on initial certification, recertification and many pre-employment requirements for school bus drivers may be reviewed on this page