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Paige Class

937-826-3102 ext.4016

Below is some information to keep your child healthy at school!

If your child has a fever (100 degrees or higher) or vomiting, they should not be at school.  Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school. Hand-washing is the best way to protect yourself and your children from infectious diseases!

If your child(ren) require(s) any over-the-counter medications throughout the school year, the medication must to be brought to the school by a responsible adult. This includes Tylenol, Motrin, Tums, Benadryl, etc. Medication will need to come in the original package and a Non-prescription medication form will need to be filled out.   See links to print forms!

Remember, NO medications are allowed on the bus!
If your child has frequent headaches, ear aches, toothaches, you may choose to bring in a bottle of Tylenol or Motrin. Medications brought in by a parent/guardian will only be used for your child(ren). 
  • No prescribed medication will be accepted without a written form and permission slip signed by a physician!  See links to print forms.
