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Board Information

Description of the Board:

The Triad Local School District is governed by a Board of Education consisting of five members elected for overlapping four-year teams. Elections are held in April in odd-numbered years. The Board's powers and duties include the authority to adopt and enforce all necessary policies for the management and governance of the Triad School District. Official action by Board Members must occur at a duly called and legally conducted meeting having the majority quorum of Board Members for the purpose of discussing district business. The Superintendent of Schools is selected by the Board and serves as the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the administration and management of the district schools, in accordance with Board policies, directives, and State and Federal Law.

The Triad Board of Education has set aside 7:00pm, on the third Thursday of every month, as their regular meeting time and date. One exception is the January meeting which, because of the ORC code governing the Tax Budget Hearing, is held on or before January 15th of each year. There is, from time to time, a need to change the date or time because of scheduling conflicts. In that event, the school calendar and the board link are changed to reflect the new time and date.

Please see Upcoming Events on the main page, or the link to the right of this article (Board Meeting Locations) for all up-to-date locations, dates, and times. Board meetings begin at 7:00pm and are held in the Triad Community Room unless otherwise noted. 

Jan 8, 2024

Feb 15, 2024

Mar 21, 2024   

Apr 18, 2024 

May 23, 2024 

June 20, 2024 

July 25, 2024

Aug 22, 2024 

Sept 19, 2024 

Oct 17, 2024

Nov 21, 2024 

Dec 19, 2024 

Triad Board of Education

Chris Millice - President
Randy Moore - Vice President
Kyle Huffman
Craig Meredith
Mike Perry

Special Committees and Responsibilities:
Athletics Randy Moore, Craig Meredith
Buildings and Grounds Randy Moore, Craig Meredith
Curriculum Mike Perry, Kyle Huffman
Finance Chris Millice, Mike Perry
OSBA Legislative Liaison Kyle Huffman, Craig Meredith
OSBA Student Achievement Kyle Huffman, Craig Meredith
Negotiations Randy Moore, Kyle Huffman
Special Committees Chris Millice, Randy Moore
Ohio Hi-Point Board Matt McConnell
Records Retention Committee Chris Millice, Superintendent and Treasurer
Sexual Harassment Grievance Officer Chief Academic Officer
Title XI / VI (Civil Rights) Grievance Officer Chief Academic Officer
504 Grievance Officer Director of Student Services
Homeless Liaison Director of Student Services
Title 9 Investigator Patrick Johnson - Director of Academic Programs
Title 9 Informal Resolution Lee Claypool - Principal
Title 9 Decision Maker Todd Schneider - Principal, Vinnie Spirko - Principal
Title 9 Appeals Superintendent


A Message From Triad Board of Education:

As parents and community members, you play a vital role in our children's education. Our children need support and challenges to reach their goals. Thankfully, we live in a community that values education and understands that our future relies on our children.

The board, administration, and staff are dedicated to providing the students with 21st-century skills that include critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. These skills will be invaluable to our students throughout the rest of their lives.

Working together, we can ensure our students the best possible education. Thank you for your continued support of our children.

Triad Board of Education Office
7920 Brush Lake Road
North Lewisburg OH 43060
Phone: 937-826-4961
Fax: 937-826-3281

Superintendent - Vickie Maruniak :

Treasurer - Nathan Hilborn :

The Triad District places the safety and well being of our students as priority #1. It is only in a safe and nurturing environment that a student can truly reach their greatest potential. Therefore, we take a proactive approach to any form of bullying and harassment that may occur between our students.

If you or your child feel that a bullying or harassment behavior is occurring, please contact your child's teacher or building principal immediately. We cannot assist with issues that we are unaware of and that often can only make the child feel more helpless. We appreciate your help in creating the safest environment for all of our students to thrive and grow.

Keep in mind that harassment and bullying are a result of repeated actions and not a single reported incident.

For more information on bullying, click on the following link: