District Information
Faith Lawson
Superintendent's Secretary
Superintendent's Secretary
7920 Brush Lake Rd. North Lewisburg, OH 43060
Phone: (937) 826-4961 Fax: (937) 826-3281
Central Office Staff:
Superintendent: Vickie Hoffman - hoffmanv@triadk12.org
Treasurer: Nathan Hilborn - hilbornn@triadk12.org
Secretary to the Superintendent: Faith Lawson - lawsonf@triadk12.org
Account Payable/EMIS: Brittany Napier - napierb@triadk12.org
Payroll Benefits: Stacy Crace - craces@triadk12.org
Triad History
Triad Local Schools Home Page
Woodstock Schools
Mingo Schools
Cable Schools
North Lewisburg Schools
Principals-High School
Superintendents List for Triad 1885 -
Jr High and Elementary Principals
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